Joining PFPS - Patients for Patient Safety


Have you or a loved one been harmed within the Irish health care system. Would you be prepared to share your experience. Health care benefits from patient feedback. Most people have good outcomes and are grateful to be restored to good health or have their illness or disability managed in a positive way. However, not every journey through the healthcare system has a happy ending sometimes people are harmed, have their life altered, or their life ended. Every adverse event needs to be acknowledged, acted upon, and used as a learning opportunity. At Patients for Patient Safety we listen, we also give you the opportunity to be part of a team who speak directly to the health care community. We are a collaboration of patients, service users, their family members, health care professionals, managers and policy makers who have come together to work in partnership. Join us and make your voice heard.

If you are reading this and you work in the health care industry and would like to engage with patient’s and service users to hear their perspective get in touch. Our member’s regularly share their health care experiences to encourage open engagement. The primary stakeholder in health care is the patient/service user, their feedback is essential.